This is a joint initiative organised by ALTER-EU, Civil Society Europe and Transparency International EU.
NGO’s frequently witness how big business enjoys excessive influence over EU policy-making, leading to decisions which put profits ahead of people and the planet, and reduce citizens trust in a united Europe.
ALTER EU, Civil Society Europe and Transparency International EU believe that lobby transparency is an important tool in the fight for public-interest decision-making at the European level.
We therefore invite your organisation to sign-on to the attached letter to Vice President Sylvie Guillaume MEP and Danuta Hübner MEP, chair of the Constitutional Affairs committee, who will represent the European Parliament in negotiations for a reformed lobby transparency register at the start of March.
To sign-on, please send a high resolution logo to Nicola Freeman nicola@alter-eu.org.The deadline for sign-ons is Friday 24th February.
The European Commission has recently launched a proposal for a reformed lobby transparency register, and the European Parliament and Council are now invited to negotiate an inter-institutional agreement to make this reality.
We believe that the European Parliament must seize the opportunity presented by this inter-institutional agreement process to demand a far more effective lobby register. Such a register should be the first, essential step in a much longer process to make EU policy-making far more transparent, tackle excessive corporate influence, and bring the EU institutions closer to citizens.
We want to see a comprehensive lobby transparency register which covers both direct and indirect lobbying, and that can tell us accurately who is influencing EU decision-making, on which issues, on whose behalf, and with what budgets.
To get involved in the campaign you can also:
- Help us promote the letter on social media when we publish it in Early March. More information will follow, with specific hashtags etc
- Join our lobby register campaign email list by contacting Nicola at nicola@alter-eu.org