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President Juncker's proactive transparency rules do not ensure transparency of meetings with lobbyists, as ALTER-EU analysis shows.
New analysis by ALTER-EU shows that when it comes to lobby transparency and preventing privileged access by big business lobbyists, the Juncker Commission still has a long way to go.
Lobbying in the Netherlands is regulated even less than in Brussels. That is why a coalition of civil society organisations came together to launch Lobbywatch Netherlands (NL) in December 2016.
ALTER-EU has analysed whether the Commission’s published lists of meetings are complete. Our research reveals that the Commission has yet to deliver on its promise of proactive transparency.
2016 has truly been a year when the Commission's rules and ethics have been tested – and found wanting.
Reformed ethics rules for European Parliamentarians lack bite, and will not do enough to build trust in European institutions, according to transparency campaigners.
