Stronger ethics regulation
Publication date:
jeudi, July 7, 2011
Media title:
La Libre
Link to original article:
European Parliament agrees on code of conduct
Publication date:
jeudi, July 7, 2011
Media title:
BBC News
Link to original article:
ALTER-EU verdict on the new Code of Conduct for MEPs - Significant steps forward to improve transparency but further measures needed to avoid conflicts of interest
Publication date:
jeudi, July 7, 2011
Press release issued by:
The Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU)
Cut out conflicts of interest
Publication date:
jeudi, July 7, 2011
Media title:
European Voice
Snapshot original article (pdf):
ALTER-EU scorecard on draft Code of Conduct for MEPs - Significant steps forward to improve transparency but further measures needed to avoid conflicts of interest
Publication date:
jeudi, June 30, 2011
Press release issued by:
The Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU)
Joint letter to Commissioner Dalli about the need for safeguards against conflicts of interest in European Medicines Agency (EMA)
Publication date:
lundi, June 20, 2011
Download full document as pdf:
Document types:
Codes of conduct in the European Parliament: regulate now to regain public trust
Publication date:
lundi, June 27, 2011
Download full document as pdf:
Document types:
Don't make the MEP code of conduct a missed opportunity, say transparency campaigners
Publication date:
lundi, June 20, 2011
Press release issued by:
The Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU)
European Commission answers to ALTER-EU letter on new code of conduct for EU Commissioners
Publication date:
mercredi, June 15, 2011
Download full document as pdf:
Document types:
Transparency campaigners demand ban on lobby related side jobs for MEPs
Publication date:
mardi, May 31, 2011
Press release issued by:
The Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU)