Balanced expert groups
Publication date:
mercredi, June 27, 2012
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Document types:
Letter to European Parliament's Budget Committee: MEPs should reject lifting reserve on expert groups budget (English and French version attached)
Publication date:
lundi, May 7, 2012
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Document types:
Can Consumers & Taxpayers Be Saved From The Bonus-Crazed Financial Sector?
Publication date:
vendredi, April 6, 2012
Media title:
Economy Watch
Link to original article:
Brussels University debate about EU lobbying with ALTER-EU panelist
Publication date:
lundi, April 2, 2012
EU interest representation
Start date:
lun, 2012-04-23 18:00
Institute for European Studies
Karel Van Miert Building
Conference Room Rome
Pleinlaan 5
1050 Brussels
Panel discussion and lecture part of the Mini Lecture Series on Interest Representation in the EU Internal Market of the 'Vrije Universiteit Brussel'.
Panel participants:
Finance Watch – a lobby to break the lobbies
Publication date:
vendredi, February 24, 2012
Media title:
Der Tagesspiegel
Link to original article:
National ombudsman from the Netherlands and BEUC talk on EU expert groups
Alex Brenninkmeijer's presentation
Publication date:
mercredi, December 7, 2011
Shedding light on expert groups
Publication date:
jeudi, December 8, 2011
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Document types:
More needed to break financial industry’s stronghold
Publication date:
jeudi, December 1, 2011
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NGO welcomes move to block funding for EU 'expert groups'
Publication date:
mardi, November 1, 2011
Media title:
Link to original article:
Parliament blocks expert groups' budget until safeguards against their capture by special interests and increased transparency are introduced
Publication date:
mercredi, October 26, 2011
Press release issued by:
The Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU)