Stronger ethics regulation
ALTER-EU considers that many of the EU institutions require stronger ethics rules to prevent conflicts of interest and to ensure the highest standards of public office. We concentrate our efforts on the Commission and the Parliament.
For the European Commission, ALTER-EU demands major changes to the Code of Conduct for Commissioners including:
Strong definitions of 'lobbying' and conflicts of interest'
Far tougher revolving door rules
More detailed financial interest disclosure
Greater transparency about the enforcement of the code
The introduction of sanctions for when the rules are breached
A fully independent ethics committee to monitor and enforce the code
For the European Parliament, ALTER-EU demands a far tougher Code of Conduct for MEPs which includes the following:
- Ban MEPs from advising or providing other lobby services to companies influencing the European Parliament
Ensure that the Code of Conduct includes measures to tackle and prevent possible conflicts of interests when they occur
Better define a conflict of interest
Tighten disclosure requirements for outside financial interests
Reform and extend the mandate of the advisory committee
Augment the existing remedies and/ or sanctions and ensure these are being applied when conflicts of interest occur
Prevent attempts of policy capture of individual members in their duties
Acknowledge that the risks of MEPs going through the revolving door when leaving office are real
Tighten guidelines in relation to gifts and hospitality funded by third parties
Address the lack of transparency rules for European Parliament cross-party groups
You can read the detail of our proposed MEP Code of Conduct reforms here.
You can read our guide to ethics for MEPs here.
Navigating the lobby labyrinth - A guide to transparency and ethics for MEPs
Damning Barrosogate critique by EU Ombudsman demands immediate action from Commission
EU Commission confirms Barroso lobbies for Goldman Sachs, must re-assess case
Juncker’s reform plans leave revolving door wide open
Commission’s ethics failures came home to roost in 2016

2016 has truly been a year when the Commission's rules and ethics have been tested – and found wanting.
Reformed ethics rules lack bite
Reformed ethics rules for European Parliamentarians lack bite, and will not do enough to build trust in European institutions, according to transparency campaigners. Reforms to the code of conduct for Members of European Parliament (MEP), voted in today, improve some voluntary transparency measures, but fail to include an explicit ban on controversial second jobs for MEPs in organisations that lobby the European Institutions.
Tweaks to ethics rules for EU Commissioners only band-aid solution
ALTER-EU demands effective reform of the Code of Conduct
EU Politicians Slammed for Second Jobs, 'Revolving Doors', Lack of Ethics
Commission’s ethics failures came home to roost in 2016

2016 has truly been a year when the Commission's rules and ethics have been tested – and found wanting.