Press contacts

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ALTER-EU media work is conducted by the steering committee members who lead the coalition’s campaigns

Paul de Clerck, Friends of the Earth Europe: Paul.declerck[at]
William Dinan, SpinWatch: Will[at]
Olivier Hoedeman, Corporate Europe Observatory: Olivier[at]
Nina Katzemich, LobbyControl: Nina.katzemich[at]
Jorgo Riss, Greenpeace European Unit: Jorgo.riss[at]

For press enquiries on specific issues relating to our four major campaigns, please contact the relevant campaigner below:

Balanced expert groups - Pascoe Sabido: Pascoe[at]
Stronger ethics regulation - Myriam Douo: Myriam.douo[at]
Block the revolving door - Vicky Cann: Vicky[at]
Greater lobby transparency - Olivier Hoedeman: Olivier[at]

If you would like to be added to our press contact list, please contact coordinator[at]