European Parliament votes to clean up its act on lobbying

Publication date: 
Thursday, January 31, 2019
Press release issued by: 
The Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU)

The European Parliament today approved a measure which would for the first time oblige influential Members of European Parliament (MEPs) to list their scheduled meetings with lobbyists. The amendment applies to MEPs who draft policy reports and chair committee


TAKE ACTION: Ask your MEP to vote for lobby transparency rule

This Thursday, Members of the European Parliament are due to vote on a rule that, if adopted, would for the first time create a binding obligation for MEPs writing reports and chairing committtees to disclose their lobby meetings.

The lobbying world of Brussels continues increasing. There are now more than 7,000 lobbyists with European Parliament accreditation. That means, almost 10 lobbyists per MEP.

It is no surprise then that at several occasions in the past four years MEPs complained they were the target of extreme lobbying pressure.

LSI - Episode 7 - Our man in Brussels

Why is it that the US has been able to legally sanction political fixer Paul Manafort for failure to disclose details of his lobbying for the Kremlin-backed Ukrainian Viktor Yanukovych government, while in the European Union – where he also operated a multi-million euro lobbying operation for the same regime – there are no consequences whatsoever?

The contrast with the US brings into sharp focus the lack of legally binding power and enforcement in the EU's lobbying register.
